The 78th Independence Day of Pakistan wascelebratedwithgreatzeal and fervour in the Embassy of Pakistan, Myanmar. Pakistani diaspora and Myanmar notables attended the event. The flag hoistingceremonystartedwith the recitation of Holy Quranfollowed by flag hoisting by Ambassador Imran Haider.
Special messages of the President, Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister/ForeignMinister of Pakistan wereread out. A documentary on the history, culture and tourismopportunities in Pakistan wasalsoplayed. An essaywritingcompetition on the occasion of Independence Day wasorganized by the Embassy. Topic of the essaywas “Geography and Tourist Attractions in Pakistan, with a special focus on BuddhistHeritage”.All the participants were Myanmar nationals. Threewriters, one eachfromprimary, secondary and high schoollevelscategories Ms. Zwal Hay Thar Maung, Ms. Lin Than Sin and Ms. WathanOo, wereselected as best writers and wereawarded cash prizes. Subsequently, Pakistanichildrenrecitedpoetry on the occasion and eulogized national heroes of Pakistan and theirinvaluable contributions. Gifts werealsodistributedamong the participatingchildren.
The eventconcludedwithDua for peace, prosperity and progress of Pakistan.