At the invitation of Reverend Zaresh Daniel, Head of Pakistani Christian Community residing in Sultanate of Oman. H.E. Mr. K.K. Ahsan Wagan, Ambassador of Pakistan to Oman joined the Pakistani Christian Community to celebrate the auspicious Christmas Day on December 25, 2019. A special ceremony/prayers were held at the local Church, which was attended by more than 500 Pakistani origin Christians living in the Sultanate of Oman. Ambassador Wagan in his remarks wished "Merry Christmas and Happy New Year" to Christian Community members and highlighted their contribution in the development of Pakistan. He greatly appreciated the role played by them in contributing in different walks of life including; political, social, trade, economic and defence etc. He encouraged them to further play positive role in promoting Pakistan's soft image in Oman and assured them his full support of achieving high ideals as envisioned by our leadership. In the end, AMbassador Wagan also readout the messages of the President and Foreign Minister of Pakistan on the auspicious occasion of Christmas Day 2019. Embassy of Pakistan-Muscat December 25, 2019