In the context of the 5th Anniversary of Indian illegal & unilateral actions of annexation Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu & Kashmir (IIOJ&K), @PakinThailand_& Thai-Pakistan Friendship Association (TPFA) organised a seminar at Ayutthaya. A large number of people, incl & Kashmiri diaspora, Pathans & members of civil society orgs participated in the event. The speakers highlighted 's gross violation of relevant UNSC Resolutions, UN Charter, International Law & bilateral agreements on Jammu & Kashmir. They condemned the continued human rights violations by in IIOJ&K. Underscoring the internationally recognized disputed status of Jammu & Kashmir, they demanded the intl community to raise its voice to force to reverse its unilateral & illegal actions of 5 Aug 2019 & restore Artical 370 and 35A, & special status of IIOJ&K. Referring to the UNSC Resolutions, C.d'A Yasir Hussain stated that cannot deny Kashmiris the Right to Self-Determination & will continue to extend all possible political &diplomatic support for its realization.