Dr. Sohail Khan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UNESCAP in Bangkok, attended the Fourth Session of UNECAP Committee on Transport on 15 October 2014. In his statement to the Committee, Dr. Sohail Khan highlighted the importance of regional connectivity through developing cross sectorial synergies in Asian road, railway and communication networks. He said thatsustainable transport was the building block of sustainable development. The local transport system need to build synergies with regional transportation networks and projects. The UNESCAP Member states had made progress in developing policy framework however, more was needed in terms transport facilitation, infrastructure improvement and resource mobilization. Dr. Sohail Khan informed that Pakistan was committed enhance a modernize transport and logistics sector well connected with the Asia Pacific.In this regard National Highway Authority of Pakistan (NHA) was working to develop Karachi-Lahore Motorway (KLM) as well as the China-Pak Economic Corridor. Pakistan had already improved most of the road segments of Asian Highway Network falling in its territory in accordance with the Asian Highway Standardsas Pakistan was a signatory to the regional Inter-Governmental Agreement on Asian Highway Network and the Agreement on Trans Asian Railway Network.