Embassy of Pakistan co-hosted a delegation of Japanese companies interested in investing in Pakistan with the support of Board of Investment (BoI), Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP), Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Investment & Technology Promotion Office (ITPO) UNIDO holding webinars, virtual tours to Special Economic Zones (SEZs), online meetings/presentations by public sector stakeholders and B2B meetings during a two days event in Tokyo on January 13-14, 2021.
Ambassador of Pakistan to Japan, Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad inaugurated the event and welcomed the Japanese delegate companies. In his opening remarks, the Ambassador, while acknowledging contributions of more than eighty Japanese companies already operating in Pakistan, pointed towards a keen interest shown by many more Japanese companies to integrate in Pakistan’s economy for which the Mission expects expansion and diversification of Japanese investment in Pakistan in the coming years.
The Ambassador further emphasized the supportive and enabling investment climate offered by Pakistan on the basis of better regulations for safeguarding foreign investment and significant improvement in Ease of Doing Business ranking by the World Bank with consistentand continued efforts to improve business environment in the country by all stakeholders.
The audience was also introduced to the attractive incentives being offered for investing in Special Economic Zones in Pakistan in addition to the commercial advantages associated with Pakistan such as its geographical location, huge domestic market, no distinction between domestic and foreign investors, trained and English speaking educated manpower, quality infrastructure, abundant natural resources and extensive digital penetration already well recognized by multinational companies.
In different sessions during the event, Japanese investors were exposed to various investment opportunities in the sectors including but not limited to Textiles, Leather, Sports Goods, Surgical Instruments, Fisheries, Fruits & Vegetables, Agricultural Machinery, Marble & Granite, Autoparts, Construction &Housing and Information Technology.
Pakistan’s Trade and Investment Counselor in Japan Mr. Tahir Habib Cheema represented the Embassy, Ministry of Commerce and Board of Investment throughout the event responding to questions and concerns raised by Japanese participants. During the last session hosted for all major business chambers in Pakistan to interact with the delegation, Mr. Cheema offered both Japanese investors and Pakistani companies to obtain assistance from the Mission as and when required.
The Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo assured its full cooperation to BoI and TDAP for promoting investment and trade between Pakistan and Japan while thanking JICA, JETRO and ITPO UNIDO for their continued support in enhancing bilateral economic cooperation between Pakistan and Japan.