Passport |
Fees for 5 Years Validity |
Fees for 10 Years Validity |
Normal |
Urgent |
Normal |
Urgent |
MRP (36) Pages |
4,200 |
7,000 |
7,000 |
11,600 |
MRP (72) Pages |
7,700 |
12,600 |
12,700 |
20,800 |
MRP(100) Pages |
8,400 |
16,800 |
13,900 |
27,700 |
Passport Delivery:
Application Timing 0930 to 1230 hrs (Friday till 1200 hrs)
Collection of Passport(s) 1500 to 1600 hrs / or through mail
Mr. Muhammad Naveed Shahzad
Officer Incharge Machine Readable Passport (MRP)
Tele: 03-5421-3629
Fax: 03-5421-3610
Passport Application Priority - Please visit the link below: