Tokyo: As part of Mission’s drive to introduce Pakistan – A Land with Opportunities Unlimited, Mr. Shehzad Ahmad Khan, Commercial Counsellor gave a presentation at Tabi Summit-II, Tokyo Japan. He briefed the audience on the trade, investmentand tourism opportunities offered by Pakistan. While speaking on the subject, he explained Pakistan Japan relations in the historical perspective. He elaborated the reasons to choose Pakistan as a trade and investment partner. He highlighted the importance of Pakistan with reference to its location at the crossroads of West, Central and South Asia, the developed industrial clusters, investment friendly environment and tourist attractions.

The presentation was followed by a lively Q&A session, which continued over informal networking Hi-Tea. Earlier Ms. TamaoIwamaru, President, M/s Key Noters Inc Japan (organizer of the Tabi Summit) welcomed the Counsellor and shared the objective of Tabi Summit as a platform to introduce respective countriesin Japan. The representatives from Azerbaijan, Tanzania and Lithuania also introduced their countries at the Summit.