(23-03-2020): The National Day of Pakistan was celebrated at the Embassy of Pakistan, Tokyo with utmost zeal, fervor and enthusiasm. Ambassador Imtiaz Ahmad hoisted the national flag whilst the audience recited the National Anthem of Pakistan.
The Ambassador read the messages of the President and Prime Minister of Pakistan. The messages reiterated the importance of 23rd March as an historic day which united the Muslims of the subcontinent for a greater objective i.e.to carve out a separate homeland for themselves wherein they could lead their lives in accordance with their own religion, traditions, values and culture. Both the leaders also emphasized upon making a firm commitment to adhere to our national objectives and goals besides promoting love and harmony to secure the future of the nation. The messages condemned the inhuman lockdown in Indian Occupied Jammu & Kashmir and reassured the people of Jammu and Kashmir that Pakistan will stand shoulder to shoulder with them in all times to come. The messages also impressed upon all the Pakistanis to stand united in fight against the Coronavirus pandemic and called upon all segments of society, including Ulema, media and political leaders to play their due role in educating the masses about the preventive measures against the virus.