Trade & Investment Section at the Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo has issued a concise list of documents required for exporting vehicles to Pakistan from Japan with effect from June 10th 2020. According to Mr. Tahir Habib Cheema, Trade & Investment Counsellor, in compliance with the procedure laid down in Import Policy Order forimport of vehicles in Pakistan under various schemesauthorized by Ministry of Commerce;and,to follow the guidelines laid down by Federal Board of Revenue (FBR), the list of documents required for relevant attestations by the Embassy has been revised, keeping in view taxpayer facilitation and equitable enforcement of regulations.
The Ambassador, Mr. Imtiaz Ahmad in his message for the Pakistani community in Japan indicated towards the redundancy of documentation requirements in the procedure enforced at the Embassy for many years callingfor a review under the relevant applicable laws and regulations, for which input has been taken from the Customs Authorities in Pakistan. With this rationalization of requirements, the Ambassador believes that the cumbersome process will be smoothened as a major facilitation step. He further added that the Embassy of Pakistan in Tokyo is actively involved in developing trade between Pakistan and Japan and channelizing Japanese investment to Pakistan; and, will keep undertaking steps for making the processes more facilitative and transparent.