Tokyo: The Deputy Chief of Mission along with other members of the Mission and their families, visited Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) where the students of 2nd Year of Urdu Department presented a Urdu Drama “Sheh-zorie” written by Azim Beg Chughtai.
The Japanese students had also set up a “Shalimar Restaurant” where they cooked and served Pakistani food.
Following the Urdu Drama, the DCM was invited to express his views on the occasion. He appreciated the students’ keen interest in choosing to study Urdu and praised their efforts in promoting Urdu language in Japan.
The DCM also extended an invitation on behalf of the Ambassador to the caste of students to join the Ambassador at Pakistan Embassy Residence for Dinner. He also expressed his hope that similar to this April, TUFS students would present the play to the amusement of the crowds at the next Pakistan-Japan Friendship Festival in 2015.