Ambassador Farukh Amil, visited The Overseas Human Resources and Industry Development Association (HIDA), Kansai Kenshu Center, Osaka on 3rd February, 2017 along with Mr. Khalid Jamil, Commercial Counsellor, Osaka and met with the General Manager Mr. Kazuhisha Ogawa. They discussed the longstanding relations of HIDA with Pakistan.
Mr. Ogawa briefed the Ambassador about training programme for corporate executives in Japanese management techniques at the Centre and participation of executives from Pakistan. In addition to participation from Pakistan in regular programmes, HIDA is holding a dedicated programme for corporate executives from Pakistan from 13th to 24th February, 2017 in which 29 corporate executives are participating.
The Ambassador stressed the need for greater participation and development of the SME Sector. SMEs being entrepreneurial in nature were the key to growth and development in Pakistan as they had been in Japan. He also highlighted the importance of representing the diversity of the corporate landscape of Pakistan by including women participants. He urged that it was unwise for any country to leave 50% of its population out of the employment and innovation. Accordingly, HIDA should be at the forefront for encouraging Women Entrepreneurs and Managers to visit Japan as part of its extensive training and knowledge sharing programme. In order to build a stronger foundation for continued partnership between the two countries now celebrating its 65th year of diplomatic relations, the Ambassador said it was critical to include young Pakistani entrepreneurs in the training programmes.