It is informed that in terms of decision and instructions of Government of Pakistan, the following account has been opened with National Bank of Pakistan, Bishkek branch for collection of donations for fight against spread of COVID-19 and to support the deserving people of Pakistan in this situation of distress and need: Account Title: Prime Minister’s COVID-19 Pandemic Relief Fund – 2020 Account No: 1272119920003550 Donors must provide the following documents while depositing the donations: i. Name of donor ii. Passport/NICOP No. (may provide a copy) iii. Date of Birth iv. Place of Birth v. Email & contact of donor (State Bank of Pakistan will be publishing the register of donors on their website and also top-10 donors on the twitter handle of SBP and Prime Minister of Pakistan) Pakistani nationals are requested for generous contribution to this national cause and to support your countrymen in this time of need Bishkek 1 April 2020