It is informed that while visiting Serbia fellow Pakistanis need to be mindful of following guidelines:
Similar to other European countries, foreigners are required by law to register with the police station in their district within 12 hours of receiving a Serbian entry stamp at a border crossing or airport.
The dress code in Serbia is very similar to that of Western Europe.
A handshake with direct eye contact at the beginning and end of a meeting is normal practice. You should make sure that you shake hands with every person present (women first). If a personal relationship was already established, the greeting also involves three kisses on the cheek, alternating from the left to the right side (starting with the left side) — the same counts for men.
Allow your Serbian counterpart to express their perspective about the breakup of Yugoslavia. Many Serbians feel that the media coverage, particularly in Western countries, was biased and incomplete. Thus, they may feel that your knowledge on the matter is skewed. They are eager to explain their side of the story when given the opportunity.
Serbians tend to be quite proud of their culture; thus, complaints or critiques should be presented in the form of a suggestion. However, Serbians are open to conversing about the political situation and politics of the country.
Be open to asking Serbians about their opinion on most subjects. They often show an interest in a stranger’s life by asking questions. They also enjoy talking about Serbian culture.
Do not enter/cross border without proper visa
Any sort of demonstration are not allowed without proper permission/approval of competent authorities.
Do not liter on public space and two lakes in the citizen as it is punishable offence with hefty fine.
Kosovo is a sensitive political matter for Serbian it is advisable to avoid any discussion on this topic.
Don’t assume the birthplace, ethnicity or language of your counterpart. Many Serbians were not born in Serbia and may speak the local language of their birthplace. Ask your counterpart not only what country they were born in and what language they speak but also what ethnicity they identify with to avoid presumptions.
It is best to avoid discussions about personal wealth or flaunt one’s social status. Serbians tend to dislike it when foreigners act superior towards them.
Try not to make comparisons between nationalities of the former Yugoslav states. This is a sensitive topic for many Serbians, particularly from older generations.