Record of the Press Briefing by Spokesman on 11th April 2013
[This is a rush transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.]
There are no opening remarks. The floor is open for questions.
My first question is that in today’s newspaper we have seen that that US issued a fresh advisory to US citizens travelling to Pakistan. Being a foreign office spokesperson do you think that security situation in Pakistan is so dangerous for foreign visitors particularly at a time when elections are due in Pakistan. What are your comments regarding travel advisory? Are you satisfied with the security situation in Pakistan? Do you agree with the State Department’s advisory?
Second part of the question is what was the outcome of your visit to Netherlands to attend a conference on CWC?
Travel advisories are issued by many countries for their nationals. As far as Pakistan is concerned, we would welcome all visitors. There already is a sizeable number of traders, investors, and tourists coming to Pakistan. Our security authorities are taking all necessary steps to ensure the security of all visitors to Pakistan. As a nation we have effectively and successfully fought against the menaces of terrorism and extremism.
About the meeting in The Hague, this was a review conference of the Chemical Weapons Convention, which is the only non discriminatory regime to destroy one entire category of WMDs, namely chemical weapons. Pakistan is making positive and constructive contribution to the regime of Chemical Weapon Convention. At the national level, we are implementing CWC provisions, and have bolstered our national capacity for assistance and protection against any misuse of toxic chemicals.
Our experience is that when it comes to India-Pakistan relations and dialogue process, they make regular statements which otherwise are perhaps homeopathic statements, but fresh example is Indian Defense Minister who has reiterated the apprehension about Pak-China friendship especially keeping in view the handing over of Gwadar Port to China. He categorically said that it is against the interest of India.
On Pakistan-India relations, you must have noticed that we continue to maintain an approach of responsibility and restraint in seeking good neighborly relations with India. As for our excellent relations with China, we regard them as an element of stability in our region. The avenues of cooperation, such as Gwadar port that you mentioned, will work for the benefit of the people of the two countries and the region.
On 5th April, North Korea issued threats to the diplomats that they should leave and on 9th April they even went to the extent to say that those diplomats based in South Korea should leave the Korean Peninsula. What is Pakistan’s official position on threatening statements?
Secondly what is the policy for Pakistani diplomats whether they are being evacuated both from Pyongyang and Seoul or they are not being given any advisory?
Pakistan shares the concern of the international community on the rising tension and deteriorating situation in the Korean Peninsula. We regret the statements made by DPRK threatening the use of nuclear weapons. Pakistan has always supported a nuclear free Korean Peninsula as agreed in the Framework Agreement of 1994 and reaffirmed in the joint statement of Six Party Talks in 2005. We call for restraint and using all necessary means to defuse the crisis including the use of Six Party Talks process.
Regarding evacuation of Pakistani nationals, we are monitoring the evolving situation in the Korean Peninsula. We have one diplomat and three officials in North Korea. We are in touch with the North Korean authorities and are taking all possible steps to ensure the safety of our nationals.
An artist of Egypt rather a person who can be termed as a stuntman, he ridiculed his President first, then he came to Pakistan and mentioned Pakistan in derogatory light. Is Pakistan planning to take up this question with Cairo?
What is your take on the outcome of Almaty talks with Iranian nuclear program?
I would not like to comment on a statement attributed to an individual. Important to note is that the relationship between the democratic governments of Pakistan and Egypt is on the rise. The President of Egypt visited Pakistan recently. Individual statements will not affect the upward trajectory of this positive relationship.
On the Iranian nuclear program, our position remains that we support the international community’s continued engagement with Iran to find a peaceful solution to this issue. Any use of force would be counterproductive. We hope that while Iran as a party to NPT will abide by its obligations, its rights under the same Treaty will also be respected.
My question is Foreign Secretary recently visited Sri Lanka and had talks with the Sri Lankan counterparts. He also met with the Sri Lankan President. What is the outcome of this visit and how it will be in beneficial for bilateral ties between the two countries?
Pakistan has excellent relations with Sri Lanka. The two countries cooperate in a number of fields, including in the international arena. You must have seen the comprehensive joint press statement issued at the conclusion of the Foreign Secretary level consultations.
There is a report that Pakistan-Russia consultative group meetings are to be held this month. How Russia can help Pakistan in supporting Afghan led and Afghan owned reconciliation process which is the desire of Pakistan?
My second question is, can you confirm the number of foreign election observers for the upcoming elections.
We attach high importance to our relations with Russia. The bilateral consultations coming up this month will focus on strategic issues. This is the eighth round of such consultations held annually in Islamabad and Moscow alternatively. The talks will mainly focus on disarmament, non-proliferation, and arms control issues and strategic stability in South Asia. Situation in Afghanistan is not part of these consultations.
Regarding foreign election observers, besides the EU election observer mission, we have received requests from National Democratic Institute and Commonwealth Secretariat. Some countries have also approached us to send their election observers. These include United Kingdom, Turkey, United States, Malaysia, Australia, Mauritius, Japan and Maldives. The requests are being processed as per the established SOPs.
Michal Gahler the Head of EU election observer team has said that they will not go to FATA and Baluchistan to observe the elections. Have they shown any concern regarding the security situation in these areas?
It is EU’s decision and they would be best placed to comment on it. As far as the Government of Pakistan is concerned, all foreign election observers will be provided security briefing by our Ministry of Interior.
There was a talk in the town in a recent seminar that foreign surveys before polling are interference in Pakistan affairs and they can affect the public opinion. What is your take on this?
Secondly, why Pakistan always need a stamp of Foreign Election Observers before polling?
Many surveys are done domestically and internationally. Pakistan is an important country and we are in the midst of a historic democratic transition, which is of considerable interest to the international community. These surveys are a reflection of that interest.
Regarding your second question, our leadership and concerned authorities are determined to facilitate the holding of free, fair and transparent elections. The Government has decided to welcome foreign election observers to witness for themselves the transparency of the electoral process.
There are some Wikileak reports in which it has been reported that India offered transfer of nuclear technology to Pakistan in 1970. What do you think is the purpose of these reports which are released quite often? How do see these reports?
We do not comment on Wikileak reports, which are skewed and contrary to facts.
I am from Japan News Agency. An institute in Hiroshima, Japan initiated a report today rating nations on their efforts to promote non-proliferation, North Korea and Pakistan were given lowest rating. Your comments?
I have not read this report. However, I can say that Pakistan, as a responsible nuclear weapon state, attaches high importance to the objectives of disarmament and non proliferation, which can be advanced by ensuring equal security for all states. Pakistan strictly abides by the concept of credible minimum deterrence. We have also instituted robust Command and Control structures, comprehensive export controls and effective regulatory regimes.
Can you please elaborate on the security advisory that has been issued by Ministry of Interior for foreign election observers? They have categorically said that the security advisory makes them believe that they should not go to FATA and Baluchistan. Have Pakistan suggested that situation in FATA and Baluchistan is too volatile to go there. How do you think that elections are possible when it is not even safe to go there?
As per established procedure, the foreign election observers will be given security briefing by the Ministry of Interior. I am not aware of any statement or advisory issued by the Ministry of Interior at this stage. I will refer you to Ministry of Interior on this matter.
Where do Pak-US relations stand today especially in the context of strategic dialogue since there had been no meetings for last many months?
Secondly, have we received any response from Afghanistan vis-à-vis the crackdown of the Taliban who were taking refuge over there?
Our relations with the US are being advanced on the basis of mutual respect, dignity, and mutuality of benefit. We maintain regular contact with the US side. After the elections, the new elected Government will guide the process forward.
Regarding your second question, we are maintaining close contact with Afghanistan. There have been issues and steps have been taken to address them. Important thing is to work towards the larger objective of peace, reconciliation and stability in Afghanistan, a process that should be led and owned by Afghanistan. Pakistan will extend full support to facilitate the peace process.
Is caretaker Prime Minster planning to visit any country? Has Ministry of Foreign Affairs received any request from Prime Minister’s House?
I am not aware of any such proposal. I will find out and revert to you.
There has been a new policy by the Saudi government about the Pakistanis working there. How many Pakistanis will be affected by this new policy and what measures Foreign Office has taken to facilitate them?
We have been following this issue very closely with our colleagues in Riyadh and Jeddah. Our Ambassador and his team are maintaining a close contact with the Saudi authorities. They are also visiting different provinces, deportation centers and prisons to facilitate Pakistanis. Yesterday, the President of Pakistan also wrote a letter to His Highness the King of Saudi Arabia. We are heartened to note the announcement made by the Saudi government that it has given a three month grace period to all Pakistanis to fulfill their legal requirements. We do hope that we will be able to facilitate and protect the interests of Overseas Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia.
Is there any update regarding Indo-Pak dialogue?
Secondly, is there any update on the handing over of Afghan prisoners to Afghan government by Pakistan?
Pakistan-India composite dialogue is an important part of the peace process between the two countries. Pakistan seeks good neighborly relations with India and will continue to make its positive contributions to this end in the larger interest of peace in the region.
Regarding your second question, I do not have anything new to apprise you.