The Foreign Service Academy is the training arm of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Pakistan. Established in September 1981, the Academy has trained hundreds of Pakistani and foreign diplomats. The entire diplomatic corps of Pakistan is a graduate of FSA. In addition to training of entry-level officials of the Foreign Service of Pakistan, it organizes courses mid-career level for officers of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
In addition, officials from other departments of Pakistan receive orientation training before their overseas assignments. FSA also organizes courses specially tailored for spouses and families of Pakistani diplomats.
Foreign Service Academy has a global outreach. We are proud of the large number of our international alumni, many of them serving in responsible positions in their respective countries. These alumni represent 109 countries. In addition to diplomatic training courses at both mid-ranking and junior level for foreign diplomats.
The academy has been operational/shifted in the new premises since 22 June, 2020.
The new entrants into the Foreign Service receive training at the Civil Services Academy (CSA), Lahore in a combined programme for the training of all groups of the Central Superior Services. This programme is of six to nine month duration and caters to the common requirements of all service groups.
After graduation from CSA, those selected in the Foreign Service of Pakistan join the Foreign Service Academy, Islamabad for a nine-month long Specialized Diplomatic Course. The course is specifically designed for the Foreign Service and includes subjects such as Foreign Policy, Diplomatic Theory and Practice, International Politics, International Law, Pakistan's Foreign Trade and International Economics. Upon completion of this course, the trainees have to sit for the Final Passing Out Examination (FPOE) conducted by the Federal Public Service Commission (FPSC).
Foreign language training is an essential component of training of a Foreign Service officer. A few months after graduating the Foreign Service Academy, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs nominates officers for foreign language courses to study Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish at premier language institutes in the countries where these languages are spoken. The duration of language courses vary according to the level of difficulty of a language. The objective is to make the diplomats fluent in the language they specialize in.
Foreign Service officers are encouraged to pursue further studies to enhance their knowledge and expertise in foreign affairs. A large number of scholarships are offered by foreign governments exclusively for Foreign Service officers and every year several of them proceed abroad to study subjects such as international relations, international law, public policy, environmental law, WTO law, human rights, diplomacy and management at leading international universities and institutes. In addition to degree programmes, a number of short courses are offered by foreign universities and institutes including sister institutes of the Foreign Service Academy.
All Foreign Service officers are also required to qualify certain mandatory training courses at different intervals in their career. These courses are mandatory for their promotion to the next grade and include: Mid-Career Management Course (MCMC), Senior Management Course (SMC) and National Management Course (NMC).
Established in 1973, the Institute of Strategic Studies is an autonomous, non-profit research and analyses organization. It is devoted to provide an in-depth understanding and objective analyses of regional and global strategic issues, affecting international peace and security. The Institute also promotes a broad-based and informed public understanding of vital issues affecting Pakistan and the international community as a whole.
One of the pioneers in the field, the purpose of the institute is to initiate study, discussions, research and analyses based on open and published sources of information and intelligence. It provides forum for scholars, specialists, writers and speakers for study, research and analyses of vital strategic and allied issues and the multi-disciplinary compulsions of strategy, peace, and security and various elements of national power affecting Pakistan and international community, in its historical as well as future perspective. The Institute also publishes a quarterly journal called Strategic Studies.
Since the Institute also selects and engages scholars, authors, experts, specialists and writers to speak or write on strategic and allied issues, it holds periodical talks and seminars on strategic and security issues. It establishes, and maintain collaboration with similar institutes in other parts of the world and represents Pakistan at international conferences on strategy. So far the Institute has signed thirty Memorandum of Understandings (MoUs) with various research organizations across the world to promote mutual exchanges. The Institute also assists, as and when possible, other non-official and official organizations in carrying out research, studies and analyses of strategic and allied problems and issues.
Institute of Regional Studies was established in 1982. It conducts free, focused research on South Asia foreign and national affairs including geo strategic, defense, economic, cultural, health, education, environment, science, technology and social issues. It also works on China, West Asia and the Central Asian Republics. IRS undertakes in-depth study, critical appraisal and objective analysis of developments in the region to offer policy makers and researchers strategic insight, innovative ideas to deal with challenges, opportunities and complexities of the region.