Record of the Press Briefing by Spokesman on 20th June 2013
[This is a rush transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated]
There are no opening remarks. The floor is open for questions.
Situation in this region after the withdrawal of US from Afghanistan will not be in the interest of Pakistan. Would you highlight what Pakistan has prioritized for itself in Doha dialogue process between Taliban and US?
Pakistan has extended its facilitation to the Doha process as a part of our overall objective of working with all stakeholders to bring peace and stability in Afghanistan. Securing a lasting peace in Afghanistan is a high priority for the present government which has expressed its resolve to contribute positively in furthering the reconciliation process in Afghanistan.
One of the statements of Taliban after the peace process announced was that it opposed attacks from Afghanistan on other nations? Does the government of Pakistan take that to include the drone attacks?
I am not aware of the statement that you are referring to. On drone strikes, our position is very clear. This matter is receiving priority attention of the Government. On the instructions of the Prime Minister, the matter has been taken up with the United States at a high level. The Prime Minister has articulated our position on this in clear terms. There is an across-the-board political consensus on Pakistan’s position on the issue of drone strikes. There is also a growing international debate over the humanitarian and legal implications of drone strikes. Drone strikes must come to an end.
The recent violation by Indian troops at LoC caused the martyrdom of two civilians and wounded four soldiers. What kind of the protest Pakistan is planning to take?
Firing across the LoC by the Indian authorities is unfortunate. We are obtaining details. It is our position that ceasefire along the LoC must be respected in letter and spirit.
Pakistan has condemned drone strikes many times and the new government has given a strong stance on drone strikes. Has US also moved forward to change its stance on Drones?
I have already given a detailed answer in response to the earlier question. The firm position of the present government on drone strikes has been conveyed to the US authorities through the appropriate channels.
In case of failure to import gas from Iran by 2014, Pakistan has to pay billions in fine to Iran.What is the policy of new government regarding IP pipeline?
The Government has affirmed its commitment to resolve energy crisis and consider all options including the Iran Pakistan pipeline project. For further details, I will refer you to Ministry of Petroleum.
Pakistan has always said, it supports the talks between the US and Taliban but it should be Afghan-led. As the Afghan Government has pulled out of these talks in Qatar, what is Pakistan’s stance on these talks now?
Our stance remains that the reconciliation process requires an all inclusive intra-Afghan dialogue. Talks in Doha are a part of that reconciliation process. It is our hope and expectation that all stakeholders in Afghanistan will be part of the reconciliation process in order to bring lasting peace in Afghanistan.
The banner displayed by Taliban in Doha shows Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan. Karzai’s Government is not ready to accept these direct talks. Now Pakistan is supporting Karzai’s view or talks between Taliban and US?
Secondly, do you think that these dialogues with Taliban are defeat of US and its allies in Afghanistan?
Pakistan has welcomed the announcement of the opening of a Taliban office in Doha as well as the start of direct peace talks between the US and the Taliban. This is in keeping with Pakistan’s consistent call for a peaceful and negotiated solution to the Afghan conflict. Again as I said we hope that all stakeholders will become a part of the reconciliation process in Afghanistan. As for your query regarding banner, Pakistan was not associated with the details of the office.
As for your second question, it is not a matter of defeat or victory for anyone. Pakistan believes that reconciliation process is central to attaining a lasting peace in Afghanistan, and all stakeholders would need to contribute to that end.
There are media reports that Pakistan and US would have held secret discussions to establish Doha office. How do you respond to it?
Secondly, Taliban have displayed banner in Doha showing Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan which indicates that they still want an absolute power in Afghanistan. Does Pakistan want an absolute power of Taliban or a representative government including all stakeholders?
Thirdly, what is our state policy? Do we recognize Taliban as Islamic Republic of Afghanistan or just as a rebel group?
Pakistan has remained engaged with both the US government as well as Afghanistan government, bilaterally and through other mechanisms.
As for your second question, I have stated earlier that Pakistan government was not associated with the details of the office.
As for your third question, Pakistan recognizes the Government of Afghanistan led by President Hamid Karzai and we have been engaged with it in that capacity.
What kind of facilitation has been provided by Pakistan for peace and reconciliation process?
Secondly, Taliban are bargaining for release of their prisoners from Guantanamo Bay. How many Pakistanis are detained there? Is Pakistan seeking their release?
I have already answered the first question. As for your second question, I need to check and revert to you.
It has been stated by US that Pakistan played a key role for bringing Taliban to have direct talks with US. Doesn’t this mean that Pakistan is interfering with the internal affairs of Afghanistan?
Secondly, If Taliban want to open such an office in Pakistan, what would be the response of Pakistan?
Pakistan is facilitating the reconciliation process in order to help bring lasting peace in Afghanistan. It is in that spirit that Pakistan has supported the Doha process.
Your second question is speculative. I would not like to answer speculation.
What is the exact number of Taliban released by Pakistan? What is your stance on release of Mullah Baradar?
Secondly, If US can talk with Taliban in Doha why cannot Pakistan talk with Hakeem Ullah Mehsud?
When High Peace Council visited Pakistan and requested Pakistan to release Taliban prisoners to help with reconciliation process, Pakistan released 26 Taliban prisoners. Pakistan is ready to take all necessary steps that can further the reconciliation process. As for Mullah Baradar, I do not have information on any talks about his release.
As for your second question, you are aware that the present government had expressed its readiness to talk with Pakistani Taliban.
Visit of Secretary of State John Kerry to Pakistan was cancelled when he made a phone call to the Prime Minister of Pakistan. Is it because of the differences between the two countries on Drone issue?
Secondly, visit of John Kerry to India is still planned. What are your comments?
Secretary of State John Kerry’s visit to Pakistan has been delayed due to developments in the Middle East. The visit is likely to be scheduled at an early date. Dates are being worked out.
As for your second question, I will not like to comment on that.
Yesterday Afghan Foreign Ministry, through a formal statement, has demanded the release of remaining Taliban which are in custody of Pakistan saying that it will demonstrate that Pakistan is sincere in facilitating peace and reconciliation process. What are your comments?
I have not seen that statement, but as I said Pakistan is committed to consider all necessary steps and efforts that could further the reconciliation process.
Recently some political Ambassadors were asked to resign. Can you please update us on that? When are the new political appointments expected?
There are a number of contract based Ambassadors. Some of them have been asked to relinquish their charge. They have done so. The Prime Minister of Pakistan will take the decision for others.
You have told us the steps that Pakistan took for peace and reconciliation process. Can you please tell us which state institution led this role?
It is important to understand that leadership of Pakistan and all state institutions speak with one voice on foreign policy matters. The same goes for the positions that we take on the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan.
There are some media reports that four Australian nationals have been arrested from various cities of Pakistan who were working for some intelligence agency. Would you please update us on this?
I do not have details about this. I will revert to you after checking.
Our High Commissioner in Britain resigned initially but his resignation was not accepted and he was asked to continue. Why didn’t he relinquish his charge?
Secondly, we have heard about FODP and ROZs in last couple of years. But FODP is undermined and Pakistan is not getting much from that. ROZs are also sidelined between Pakistan and US. What are your comments?
Thirdly, there was a mishap or misconception between Special Assistant to the Prime Minister and US Cd’A when Pakistan protested strongly against US Drone strikes. Don’t you think that Kerry’s visit was canceled because of differences between Pakistan and US on issue of Drones?
Pakistan High Commissioner in Britain Wajid Shams-ul-Hassan has been asked to continue until a replacement is appointed.
As for your second question, FODP has run its course.
As for your third question, there was no mishap. On the instructions of the Prime Minister, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister Syed Tariq Fatemi called in US Cd’A and conveyed the policy of Government of Pakistan in very clear terms. The meeting proceeded as per the diplomatic norms and courtesies. There was no mishap or discourtesy and reports to that effect are incorrect.
A person named Richard Armitage, he was a wrestler then turned a politician and was Deputy Secretary of State. He said that in next 25 years they will be no state of Pakistan. What are your comments?
I do not wish to comment on such statements. Pakistan is a formidable state which is here to stay forever.
What are prospects of the success of the talks between USA and Taliban, in the long run, at the start of the reconciliation process?
We hope that the talks between Taliban and US will contribute to the peace and reconciliation process.
Two years ago US Ambassador to Afghanistan Mr. Ryan C Crocker made a statement that talks with Taliban should be held somewhere out of the sphere of Pakistan’s influence. Now these talks are being held in Doha. How much is Pakistan on board in these talks?
Secondly, some of the quarters believe that if Taliban are talking with US, it means Pakistan is talking with US. How do you see that?
Pakistan has remained engaged with the US government, Afghan government and Afghan High Peace Council with a view to facilitating the peace and reconciliation process in Afghanistan. We hope that the Doha talks will contribute to the national reconciliation in Afghanistan.
When will the talks be held in Doha?
Secondly, you have said that Doha process will be a part of larger reconciliation process. Will you elaborate on that?
I do not have the schedule of the talks in Doha.
As for your second question, when I say larger reconciliation process it means an all inclusive intra-Afghan dialogue.