Record of the Press Briefing by Spokesperson on 06 April 2017
(2017-04-06) [This is a rush transcript. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.]
Opening Remarks
Bismillah IrRehman NirRahim Assalaam Alaikum
Last Friday and yesterday saw tragic incidents of terrorism in Parachinar and Lahore, which took a big toll on the lives of our fellow citizens. We are deeply saddened and pray for the victims, sympathise with the bereaved families and wish speedy recovery to those wounded! We salute those who lost their lives while performing a national duty. We condemn the terrorist attacks. The terrorist are bound to lose.
Bloodshed of innocent Kashmiris under state terrorism in Indian occupied Kashmir is continuing. We condemn killing of innocent Kashmiris. Over 100 have been injured in last few days, which include victims of pellet guns, who lost their eye-sight forever. They have mercilessly and deliberately targeted children, women and old age people, which we deplore. International Community should take note and call India to account for the crimes against humanity committed by its forces in IOK on Kashmiris. I acknowledge the Kashmiri Civil Society, Kashmiri media and our own Media's important role in exposing Indian atrocities in IOK.
On 27 March 2017, Pakistan Embassy Berlin arranged Minister for Kashmir Affairs and GB's briefing on Kashmir at an event. A delegation of British Parliamentarians is visiting Pakistan and AJK in connection with Kashmir issue and to gather information on human rights violations in IOK perpetrated by the Indian forces. Members of civil society and Human Rights activists have been undertaking activities to sensitize people on the grave human rights situation in IOK.
A number high level visits have taken place to Pakistan from various countries of the world, including China, UK, Italy, Russia, Germany and Malaysia. Such visits are expected to continue in the coming days and months, which is a manifestation of Int'l Community's fast growing interest in cooperation with Pakistan in the fields of economic, defence, energy, culture, etc.
Our Mission in London will be organizing cultural projection events at important venues in London to mark the 70th Anniversary of our Independence Day. Our citizens continue to give the nation good news and to make us proud of their accomplishments. You have seen my tweets from time to time in this regard.
I have noted that one of the newspapers have misquoted the Adviser in the context of fencing our border with Afghanistan. The newspaper reported that Adviser said it at a press conference. He did not hold any press conference. Besides, all the works related to the border management is done on our side of the border. The purpose is to stop terrorists from across the border. Border management is essential for the safety of our citizens and territory and also to facilitate Afghan people's travel to Pakistan for genuine purposes.
Now the Floor is open for Questions
As a goodwill gesture Prime Minister ordered the reopening of Pak-Afghan border recently. But on the other hand, reportedly Afghan Government is not extending visas to Pakistanis who are living or working in Afghanistan and has instructed its foreign missions worldwide to do the same. Has Pakistan taken up this issue with Afghan Government? (Fayyaz Raja - Channel 92)
We have conveyed our concerns to the Afghan Embassy as well as Afghan authorities in Kabul to address the matter at the earliest. Pakistan attaches importance to facilitating movement of people from both sides.
UNHCR has formally decided to cut cash grant from $400 to $200, being given to each returning Afghan refugee under the voluntarily repatriation programme. Do you think that this move will affect the process of repatriation of Afghan refugees from Pakistan? (Saima Bashir - Bol News)
Last year UNHCR had increased cash grant to each returning refugee from $ 200 to $ 400. We believe it was a good decision as it helped the returnees in their initial resettlement in Afghanistan. We hope that UNHCR would look into the possibility of raising this amount again to $ 400 as it contributes towards the smooth settling in of the returning Afghan refugees.
India constantly commits unprovoked ceasefire violations across LoC which takes toll on civilian lives. Pakistan has handed Demarche time and again to Indian High Commissioner but without any effect. What are the other options Pakistan is exploring to counter Indian aggression on its border? (Khawaja Nayyar Iqbal - Kashmir Post)
Indian ceasefire violations are attempts to divert the attention of the international community from the deteriorating situation in Indian occupied Kashmir (IOK). Pakistan condemns ceasefire violations by India. Our forces act responsibly and with restraint returning fire only when fired upon. We regularly report the incidents to the UNMOGIP, who in turn submit their report to the UN SG. Int'l Community is realizing the threat to the regional peace posed by the Indian belligerent posture.
My question pertains to Iranian Ambassador's concerns on the nomination of General (r) Raheel Sharif as head of the Islamic Military Alliance.
Secondly, I want to ask about any update on abducted Pakistani Ship by pirates near Somalia. (Tariq Sial - Daily Times)
I can't comment as there are no credible reports in this regard.
As to your first question, the Islamic Military Alliance to Fight Terrorism (IMAFT) is focused on combating terrorism by promoting solidarity and cooperation among the Muslim countries. It is neither for, nor against any country. The TORs of IMAFT are yet to be developed. However, Pakistan's endeavour would be that IMAFT serves to bring Muslim countries together in the fight against terrorism. Both Iran and Saudi Arabia are brotherly Muslim countries. For any other details, you may contact M/o Defence.
Reportedly, Pakistan, China and Russia are coming closer to further strengthen their relationship and possibly all set to become part of an alliance aiming to seek political solution of Afghanistan. Your comments please! (Shaukat Paracha - Aaj News)
Pakistan's foreign policy is aimed at maintaining peaceful neighborhood and friendly relations with all countries based on common interests. As regards Afghanistan, Pakistan constructively participates in all processes for facilitating peace and stability. We believe there is a need for countries to work together for lasting peace and preventing any proxy war in Afghanistan. Given the international attention converging on Asia Pacific region, particularly in the context of its huge economic and human resource potential, and that of connectivity for trade and energy, bilateral relations of Pakistan with a number of countries have registered positive trajectory including with Russia, Central Asia, European states and other countries.
Representatives of 44 African countries have accused the Indian government of not doing anything to stop racist attacks on their nationals following a series of brutal assaults targeting Nigerians and Kenyans. We all know about persecution of religious minorities in India, how do you see the surge of attacks on Africans? (Asghar Ali Mubarak - Daily Mail Islamabad)
We do not comment on the internal matters of any country. However, Pakistan condemns racism and persecution of religious minorities anywhere in the world. We have noted concern expressed by the civil society members on the recent attacks on Nigerians and Kenyans, which are a reflection of growing extremism and intolerance in the Indian society.
The treatment of minorities and the systemic violations of human rights in India especially Muslims, Daalits and Christians continue to be a matter of serious concern as has been raised by various human rights organizations and governments all over the world. The recent US report "Constitutional and legal challenges faced by religious minorities in India" also underscores the dramatic escalation of hate crimes against minorities in India, their social boycott and forced conversion. We hope that the world takes notice of this.
Iran has once again offered to mediate between Pakistan and India over Jammu and Kashmir issue. While Pakistan always welcomes such offers, India remains intransigent. Your comments! (Sheeba Mahar - Daily SAMAA)
Supplementary Question
As you are aware that US Ambassador to UN has recently hinted at US mediation between the Indian and Pakistan on the issue of Kashmir, and a proposition that was also extended by the Donald Trump at the time of his inauguration. However, India has bluntly rejected these two offers by US, by stating that Pakistan should stop terrorism first. Your comments please! (Abid Khursheed - ATV)
Pakistan has always welcomed offers of mediation, which has been made by various countries, to resolve the outstanding issue of Jammu & Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India. The world's concerns have been developed in the backdrop of the deteriorating human rights situation in IoK.
You mentioned this in the context of India's blame game on the issue of terrorism. India as usual reacted negatively to the US offer. India wants to speak of terrorism! We also insist on speaking of terrorism, which forms one of the elements of the comprehensive dialogue process. We need to address the Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. Kulbhushan Yadav and many other examples are irrefutable proof of Indian involvement in Pakistan. India tries to hide the atrocities in IOK and afraid of being exposed on account of crimes against humanity committed by the Indian Occupation Forces in IOK. India will eventually realize that the only solution to the Jammu & Kashmir dispute is the realization of the right to self determination of Kashmiris through a fair and free plebiscite under the auspices of the UN in line with the relevant UNSC resolutions.
Afghanistan has once again raised concerns on the border fencing. Also, recently, we have seen contacts between Pakistan and Afghanistan at official and unofficial level. How useful have these contacts been in the context of Pakistan-Afghan relations? (Muhammad Ishtiaq - VOA)
I have already responded to your question about fencing in my opening remarks. I have said that all the work related to the border management is being done on our side of the border. Border management measures are being undertaken to tackle terrorists coming from across the border as well as to protect Pakistani citizens. One of the main reasons of the border management is to facilitate travel of Afghan people to Pakistan.
There have been official contacts between Pakistan and Afghanistan recently, which were useful. There is a growing understanding between both the countries to work together to tackle the common threat of terrorism.
The New York Times reported that circumstantial evidence suggests that India may be reinterpreting its nuclear weapons doctrine of No-First use, by replacing it with the so-called pre-emptive doctrine, with potentially significant ramification for the already tenuous nuclear balance in South Asia. Your comments please! (Essa Naqvi - Dunya News)
Pakistan has long maintained that the ambiguous no-first use declaration is not verifiable and hence nothing more than an empty political statement. It cannot substitute for verifiable arms control and restraint measures. In taking appropriate security measures, Pakistan has to consider capabilities and not intentions which can change anytime. It goes without saying that the talk about pre-emption in a nuclearized South Asia is highly irresponsible and dangerous and will not help the cause of promoting strategic restraint and stability in the region.
Recently, Myanmar Embassy in Islamabad received threats from certain people. Have they taken up the issue officially with our Foreign Office? Have they taken up the matter with the civil administration in Islamabad? (Syed Mohsin Raza - Asas Group of Publications)
I am not aware of the incident that you a citing, and will have to check whether we have received any such complaint in our Protocol Division, which is the focal point of contact in such instances.
Of late, US along with some other countries boycotted Nuclear Ban Treaty, to be negotiated in UN for nuclear-zero regime. Pakistan, abstained from voting on the issue. What is the future of nuclear-zero after US' boycott? What is Pakistan's position in this regard? (Shahid Maitla - ARY News)
Pakistan has consistently supported a comprehensive convention on nuclear disarmament through negotiations at the Conference on Disarmament (CD) in Geneva in accordance with the principle of equal and undiminished security of all states. In our view, piecemeal solutions such as the nuclear ban treaty, which ignore the security dimension of the issue and do not have all the relevant stakeholders, viz. nuclear weapon states, on board, are not likely to yield the desired results. While Pakistan fully sympathizes with the motivation behind this initiative, we would like to stress the need for a realistic and pragmatic approach which tries to address the underlying genuine security concerns of states that force them to seek deterrence in the first place.
We have heard concerns of traders on the Pak-Afghan border as reportedly they are facing problems due to our new visa policy. Particularly on Torkham crossing it has been noted that over two thousand containers are awaiting entry into Pakistan, and people have requested for at least two months relaxation period to get their passport made, during which time they may be allowed to enter Pakistan's territory. (Ali Husnain - Business Recorder)
These are operational details. You need to contact the relevant Ministries managing these issues. At this point, I have no more comments to offer. I would just repeat that we believe that effective border management is an imperative to deal with the issues that I mentioned earlier. Over time, the exchanges across the border between both the countries would be streamlined.
Reportedly, PM Narendra Modi's visit to IOK has coincided with more civilian protests in the region, which reflects the will of Kashmiri people that denounces any false Indian claims on the region of IOK. The UN, the US and many countries have been expressing their concern over the deteriorating situation in IOK. Your comments please. (Amjad Ali - PTV News)
The protests on the visit of Prime Minister Modi to the Indian occupied Kashmir are reflective of the strong prevailing sentiment of the oppressed Kashmiri people against the Indian occupation and repression. These also clearly manifest that all Indian attempts to brutally suppress the mass uprising have failed miserably.
Part of your query has been addressed in my response to Ms. Sheeba and Mr. Abid's questions. We welcome the statement of Ambassador Nikki Haley, Permanent representative of the US to the UN expressing concerns over the rising tensions between Pakistan and India and the offer of mediation. As you are aware, this has happened in the backdrop of the deteriorating human rights situation in IoK, she also expressed the intention of the US to play a proactive role in deescalating the situation.
India as usual reacted negatively to the US offer. India wants to speak of terrorism! We also insist on speaking of terrorism, which forms one of the elements of the comprehensive dialogue process. We need to address the Indian sponsored terrorism in Pakistan. Kulbhushan Yadav and many other examples are irrefutable proof of Indian involvement in Pakistan. India tries to hide the atrocities in IOK and afraid of being exposed on account of crimes against humanity committed by the Indian Occupation Forces in IOK. India will eventually realize that the only solution to the Jammu & Kashmir dispute is the realization of the right to self determination of Kashmiris through a fair and free plebiscite under the auspices of the UN in line with the relevant UNSC resolutions.
As you said regarding the nuclear ban treaty, does it mean that Pakistan will not attend the conference on Nuclear Test Ban which is scheduled soon? The US has boycotted it but we have not made any decision on it. Will we go to the conference or not?
Secondly, there are World Bank brokered talks in Washington between Pakistan and India on Indus basin Water Treaty. I think they are scheduled on 12th of this month. Are they focused on some specific project or all the issues relating to Indus Water Basin Treaty will come under discussion? (Shahid ur Rehman - Kyodo News)
For both of your questions, I don't have any response apart from what I have already said regarding Pakistan's position on the issues raised by one of you.
As to your second question, I think you need to contact Ministry of Water and Power. They would be in a position to comment on it.
As you mentioned that British Parliamentary delegation is here, they met with Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs and National Security Adviser. What we have learnt from NSA is that UK authorities are supporting Altaf Hussain despite repeated requests from Pakistan to take action against the individual. Was the matter discussed when the delegation met the Adviser to the Prime Minister on Foreign Affairs? (Shabbir Waghra - PTV World)
Well, we have issued the press release in this regard, which states that all matters of mutual interest were discussed in the meeting including the Jammu & Kashmir Issue.
Regarding the Saudi military Alliance, last time you said that its TORs are yet to be finalized. Have these TORs been finalized now? (Mona Khan - Geo News)
Kindly contact Ministry of Defence for details in this regard.
After the US Ambassador to the UN offered to mediate on the issue of Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India recently, US State Department has issued a statement saying that the two countries should resolve their matters bilaterally. Is US withdrawing from its earlier offer?
Secondly, will organizations like Hezbollah be included in the list of the terrorist organizations by the Saudi-led Military Alliance, as these are considered terrorist organizations by some countries? (Anwar Abbas - Waqt News)
As to your second question, I do not have any comment to offer. You may contact those who are dealing with Alliance related matters.
On your first question, I am not aware of the statement you are referring to. What I know is that US Ambassador to the United Nations said that US would like to mediate to resolve issues between Pakistan and India, including Kashmir, to deescalate the tension.
The US-Pakistan relations are very tense due to Dr. Shakeel Afridi. Reportedly, there are talks between the two countries for exchanging Dr. Aafia Siddiqi with Dr. Shakeel Afridi. Do you confirm these reports?
Secondly, in Syria chemical weapons are being used by the Bashar-al-Assad regime on the innocent civilians. Your comments please! (Salman Rao - TNN)
With regard to our relations with the US, I have responded many times in the past that we look forward to working closely with the United States and enhance the existing bilateral relations. We have longstanding and diverse relationship, spanning over a large number of areas of cooperation. I think we should not see this longstanding and diverse relationship through the prism of one or two issues.
With regard to the incident you quoted in Syria, I understand that Syrian Government condemned the incident. Pakistan's position is very clear in this regard. We are party to Chemical Weapons Convention, and are against use of these weapons under any circumstances. Definitely, use of chemical weapons on civilians is condemnable.
Regarding the upcoming Conference on Afghanistan on Moscow, have Iran and India also been invited?
Secondly, it is reported that India's EAM Sushma Swaraj has said that Pakistan's move to make Gilgit Baltistan a province will not be acceptable to India. Is that the reason why Pakistan has stalled the process of giving the status of the province to GB? (Fida Hussain - Radio News Network)
Regarding the upcoming conference on Afghanistan scheduled for 14th April 2017, I recall that both Iran and India were a part of the previous meeting. This time the invitation has been extended to include Central Asia and some other countries.
In the context of the reference you have made to a statement by Indian EAM, I have not seen that statement and won't be able to comment. However, our position on the issue of Kashmir is very clear that the issue needs to be resolved according to the wishes of Kashmiri people, and in accordance with the relevant UNSC Resolutions, which call for a fair and free plebiscite under the UN supervision.